Sunday, March 20, 2005

Same-Sex Marriage

Lo and behold.
Read the below article published in The Economist 19-25 March 2005 edition:

Same-Sex Marriage
Simply put, he explained

Los Angeles
Has a California judge inadvertently given conservatives the chance to push through more laws banning gay marriage?

“Simply put’” said the judge, “same-sex marriage cannot be prohibited solely because California has always done so before.” Cue for statewide gay and lesbian jubilation, be it an impromptu rally in San Francisco’s Castro district or West Hollywood’s official city celebration, complete with a “wedding-cake and champagne reception”. In a 27-page decision Richard Kramer, a San Francisco Superior Court judge, had ruled on March 14th that California’s statutory ban on same-sex marriage was a violation of the civil rights guaranteed by its constitution.

Put equally simply, Gavin Newsom, who as Mayor of San Francisco authorised some 4,000 same-sex marriages just over a year ago, was right and the attorney-general of California, Bill Lockyer, defending state law was wrong. “No rational basis”, said Judge Kramer, “exists for limiting marriage in this state to opposite-sex partners”.

Indeed, to limit marriage in this was anti-homosexual discrimination akin to racial discrimination. In 1948, California’s Supreme Court ruled that the state’s ban on interracial marriage violate the equal protection clause of the United States constitution. Advocates of the racial ban had asserted that, because historically blacks had not been permitted to marry whites, the statute was justified. The court, Judge Karmer recalled, had rejected this argument: “Certainly the fact alone that the discrimination has been sanctioned by the state for many years does not supply such [constitutional] justification.” In other words, tradition is no excuse.

But what if homosexual couples are given “marriage-like” rights by California’s new domestic-partnership law proof, says Mr Lokyer, that a ban on gay marriage is not discrimination? Judge Kramer’s response, referring to a 1952 Supreme Court ruling on segregated schools, is dismissive: “The idea that marriage-like rights without marriage is adequate smacks of a concept long rejected by the courts-separate but equal.”

As to the argument put by conservative groups that the purpose of marriage is procreation and child-rearing by a man and a woman, the judge replies: “Once does not have to be married in order to procreate, nor does one have to procreate in order to be married.” Indeed, whereas heterosexual couples are unable or unwilling to have children are free to marry, “same-sex couples are singled out to be denied marriage.” The state can legitimately, for health reasons ban incestuous marriages, but the Judge, citing the 1948 state Supreme Court Judgment, said it cannot discriminate on the “arbitrary classifications of groups or races”.

Opponents of gay marriage have had a mixed reaction. They all claim to be horrified. The Reverend Louis Sheldon, founder of The Anaheim-based Traditional values coalition, called the ruling “yet another example of judicial tyranny”. But he went on to add that it makes “it clearer than ever that California needs a constitutional amendment to protect marriage as a union of one man and one woman”.

As this implies, conservatives are confident (and many gays fear) that every judicial decision in favor of same-sex marriage adds momentum to the campaign for constitutional bans on such marriages. Of the 17 states that have changed their constitutions to ban same-sex marriages, only Nebraska, Nevada, Alaska, and Hawaii did so before 2004. The other 13 did so in 2004-the year not just of the San Francisco change also of same-sex legalisation in Massachusetts.

Judge Kramer’s ruling will give ammunition to those pressing George Bush to renew last year’s electorally convenient drive to amend the Federal constitution. Evangelical Christians, who claim credit for the President’s re-election, have made it clear that their support For Social Security reform is contingent on Mr. Bush’s support for a constitutional amendment.

So what next? With the Judge’s ruling state for 60 days in order to allow for an appeal, the answer for California is yet more legal wrangling, first to the state court of appeal in San Francisco and then, probably next year, to the state Supreme Court-the very court which last August ruled that Mayor Newsom had exceeded his authority and the 4000 same-sex marriages were therefore invalid. The Supreme Court however, ruled out very narrow grounds that time, studiously avoiding the constitutional issues raised by Judge Kramer.

The longer term question is the political impact. Victories for same-sex marriage tend to produce a voter backlash: witness last year’s amendments to state constitutions. One effect of Judge Kramer’s ruling is to nullify not just that part of 1977 California Family Quote which defines marriage as between a man and a woman but also the state’s Proposition 22, approved 5 years ago by a margin of 61.4% to 38.6% and stating bluntly that “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognised in California”.

However, Judge Kramer cannot be dismissed as just another wacky San Francisco leftie with an activist agenda. This 57-year-old Roman Catholic is a registered Republican, appointed in 1996 by a Republican governor, Pete Wilson.

And the evidence from last year’s election is not quite as definitive as Conservatives’ claim. Exit polls showed that, although only 25% of Americans supported same-sex marriage, another 35% supported civil unions for homosexuals. Put another way, most Americans are relaxed about gay couples getting some form of legal pact. Perhaps that is why Mr. Bush is not rushing to push through a Federal ban.


It IS allowed for gay to marry in America.
Finally, gay CAN celebrate their love in a legal union that binds them for life.

How about our beloved country then?
Are we going to deny this human rights?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

Winner of 4 Academy Awards:
Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, and Best Picture
(Hillary Swank, Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman)

Mo Cushla means “my darling”, “my blood”…

Maggie Fitzgerald (Hillary Swank), a 31 year-old waitress came to see Frank Dunn (Clint Eastwood) to ask him to train her as a fighter. Being rejected so many times and again did not make her subdued. She was instead working twice as hard, with a little help from Mr.Scrap (Morgan Freeman). He was once too, Frank’s fighter.

It did not take Maggie too long to get noticed. She was indeed a very talented fighter despite the fact that she started a bit too old.
Frank agreed to take her on (after losing his own fighter to another manager), and he trained her really hard. Nothing tires her.

She soon became a champion. She won each and every one fight she was competing in, and she always knocks her opponents down in the first round.

Offers pouring in from other fighters’ managers to set her up to fight against their meanest heavy weight fighters. Frank turned them all down. Until one day, Mr.Scrap set Maggie up to meet Mickey, the famous manager who took Frank’s fighter to get his title. He wanted to arrange for a fight with other heavy champions. She didn’t budge. She turned down Mickey’s offer before he even spoke. As always her style. She said she’d never leave Frank’s side.

Frank, a father who is rejected by her own daughter soon gets attached to Maggie. He named her “Mo Cushla”. And her new nickname was chanted over and over in each and every fight she was in. She traveled far, and she never lost.

Until one day, Frank set her up to fight against the meanest fighter from East German, Billie Blue Bear. Billie is the kind of fighter who does not heed rules. She’s a kind of fighter who does not care if her opponents die in the ring by her bare hands.

That night in Vegas, Mo Cushla fought Blue Bear. She almost wins, if only she did not turn herself away, and opened herself for attacks. The bell rang, and the two fighters were told to approach their corners, but Billie knocked Maggie from the back. She fell and broke her neck.

That night, was the end of Mo Cushla’s career as a fighter.

That night, was the end of Maggie Fitzgerald.

She was paralyzed.
She was hurt.
She lost.


Life is never fair.

When we were just collecting other’s people’s leftovers, we were not happy.
We had our own dreams and we were so desperately seeking our greatness.
When we were the toughest fighter, we were happy, we had what we want.
But the dearest ones tested us, they mocked us.
When we lost our greatness, we were again, not happy.
We were humiliated.

Life is always mean.

It always takes away the people most dear to us.
It always tests us with hard decisions.
It always tests our faith.

But life is all we got.
The Million Dollar Baby, Mo Cushla, might choose not to endure anymore, but it’s up to us to decide.
Will we fight its cruelty?
Or will we let it defeat us?

Up to us...

Friday, March 18, 2005


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stupid Mugger

“Ret, I just got mugged…”
“My cellphone and watch were taken…”

“F**k!!!” I thought.
It just added up the string of bad lucks I had today.

I was so bummed.
Not only because the stupid mugger took his watch.
The watch I got him for his birthday.
But also because the love of my life was almost hurt.
And it was all because he so wanted to accompany me to the dermatologist.
Stupid skin problems.
Stupid mugger.
Stupid day.
Stupid me.

This was definitely not my day.

This morning, playing ONE damn good Client Service, I had to withstand this stupid client’s rage. I didn’t even know why he had to yell for wanting to buy our data. “Aarrrgghhh!!!” All I wanted to shout was “Chill, and shut up, you stupid @$$hole!” But it had to come out “Yes sir, I understand sir, I have checked again with my Manager sir, it’s simply not possible sir.”

My ATM card was lost in the ATM machine. “Good God”, I thought. What could possibly be worse than not having cash at hand and have your ATM card swallowed by the stupid machine?
(And it was only until lunch time…)

Now this.

Why did he have to be mugged on his way to meet me at the dermatologist?
Why did I insist on going as of today?
Why did I have to be such a spoiled brat and need him by my side (because the dermatologist is such a pervert, I don’t want to hear his pornographic jokes)?
Why did I have to have skin problems?
Why, why, why, why, why?
All the regrets didn’t turn back time.
All the regrets couldn’t make the pain go away.

But why was he not upset?
Why was he so calm?
“Well, what’s done is done, Ret. There’s not much in mourning about it.”

And so he asked about the interview I had this afternoon.
“Well…” I said.
The future employer didn’t give me what I wanted to get for my package. It’s not exactly that bad, I mean, anything better than this job, I will take it. Whatever it is to make me flee outta here (says J). After all, it’s gonna be a good career leap (says K). Well, so long as you’re there, you can write and it’s gonna be a step closer to your dreams (says A).
Everything points to that direction. Anyways, there’s still time to think about it…

Hey, come to think about it, the recent events kinda give a silver lining.

I didn’t exactly start today with a jolt. In fact, I was so dreading to face the day this morning. And since then, my day just snowballed from trouble to bigger trouble, and that in turn led to hasty decisions and yet again, cause bigger still trouble.

But you know, having a friend by your side, someone to comfort you, someone who would stand all your mood swings, listen to all your grumblings, and bear with each and every one of your ickiness, really helps. Big time.

And if, yet, you still make horrible decisions and get into more troubles, you’ll know they (your heroes) are there for you.

Today, A and K are my heroes. Thanks a lot, you guys. I really needed that.

And if that still doesn’t help, let’s just give those stupid muggers some right jabs, uppercuts, and killer hooks. (Yes, I'm learning all the words. And tomorrow, I will learn how to really do some serious damage with all those… Hahaha…)
Let’s knock the stupid muggers all down.

How ‘bout it?

Monday, March 14, 2005

Chucky, the demonic puppet

It’s threatened lives.
It’s taken its toll.
It’s gone berserk.
It’s caused fiasco.
It HAS gotten me mad.
Again and again and again.

I am physically and mentally furious.
And I'm tired of being mad.
Veins on my face are getting bigger by the day.
It’s beating like crazy at the thought of potential danger.

If only I can warn each and everyone I know who might get into trouble.
If only I can safe them all from harm.
If only I can turn back time. To somewhere mid last year.

So I can prevent myself from making the biggest mistake of my life.
So I can avoid this menacingly painful ordeal.
So I can rid this wrenching pain.

This urge to hurt someone.
This urge to make him suffer with my blade-sharp tongue and cry.
This urge to divulge everything.

So that everything will be out in the open.
So that everyone will see.
So that the truth be told.

That he is a JERK.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


You can shine no matter what you’re made of...
(Mr. Bigweld in Robots)

From the makers of Ice Age
(Ewan McGregor, Halle Berry, Greg Kinnear, Mel Brooks, Amanda Bynes, Drew Carrey, and Robin Williams)

Rodney Copperbottom (Ewan McGregor) was raised by a small family. His father is a dishwasher in a small diner in Rivet Town. Being raised by a dishwasher, Rodney didn’t really live in luxury. But he was inspired by his lifetime idol, Mr. Bigweld (whom he thinks is the greatest robot, second greatest after his father) who was a great inventor and the founder of Bigweld Corporation. He inspired him to keep on creating.
And so, even though he always had to wear hand-me-downs, he was never disappointed. Instead, he was always high spirited and he invented so many things as a teen.

Rodney decided to come to Robot City to work for Bigweld Corporation. But instead of finding what he’s been dreaming of, he found that the corporation has been turned into a money milking company by Bigweld’s successor, Ratchet. It’s highly profitable for forcing the poor robots to upgrade instead of replace the missing or broken parts, and those who cannot afford to upgrade will have to be molded. The company since then, has been nothing but robots killing machine.

In short, Rodney convinced his friends to talk Mr. Bigweld into re-joining the company, to save the robots.

I love the movie.
I love the action, and the drama.
I love how the good guys win against the bad guys.
The good guys represent the poor people. The helpless.
And the bad guys, the powerful.

That’s pretty much how life in the real world is, probably.

But somehow, sometimes real life doesn’t inspire as well as animation movies.
In the real life, the true ruler of the world will stand still. They will not budge. And people will still stand at the back of the room, not being able to answer back to the mean guy with the striped suit.

Sometimes, in the real world, the icon, someone who inspires the people, someone who really listens and cares about everyone, and puts forth everyone’s interests before theirs are simply shunned out, if not terminated (Shocking? I doubt it). Because in the real life, once the small people start to ignite, there’s no way the single ruler will stand on their throne. And they are simply afraid. They are scared. And they hide their fear well, by shutting every one up.

In the movie, even ragged piece of robots can still make a difference, and stand out. But why is it not the same in real life. Yes, there are one or two really “blessed” people who can make it. But sometimes life takes sides. And it sides with people who are born lucky. Only very few people with not so shining background who can be “somebody”.

Life is hard. Life is cruel.
Life is no animation movies.

But life is true. And the only way we can survive its cruelty is by being whatever we want to be, by giving our best yet. And then perhaps, we will get the best.

And then, probably we can shine.
We can be “somebody”, no matter what we are.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


“My job is to create opportunity. So that good people like him has a chance.”
Alex Hitchens, the Love Doctor in “Hitch”
(Will Smith & Eva Mendez)

How do you feel when you found out, when you’re in love, that all this time, the one person you’re madly in love with, has been “dressing himself up” for you. That all this time, while you think he’s a perfect guy for you, he’s just been fooling you. That when you think meeting him is a lucky coincidence, in fact, he HAS designed every single thing down to the last detail so that he would impress you the first time.

Some may not complain. But most will.
And that’s why the job as a love doctor is always kept a secret.

I am a firm believer of “first impression counts”.
To me, there’s no way you can start a relationship with someone when to him/her you’re not even remotely in his/her mind. When you’re not in the map.
Even when you’re so desperately in love with them, it’s just simply impossible.

I am a real life example.

A, the love of my life is my “love at first sight”. I was in love with him the instant I saw him.
(Or so I thought). In fact, maybe I have seen him at least several tens of times before he even attracted my attention.

I am neither beautiful nor attractive girl. I never thought of myself as one. That’s probably why I needed to get so much information as I can possibly get about him before I made my first move. It’s kinda typical “Hitch” job.

I was in love.
I wasn’t myself.
I dressed myself up.

I love the movie.
It relates to me in so many levels.

Well, I know it’s almost out.
But if you still have time, DO see it.
(Especially you guys who are in love…)

It’s good.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Obsessive Insecure

“Well, I have seen him. He’s not that much tho.”
It was its message.

Really? I doubt that it could say that at all, since it was all drenched in nervous sweat the time it saw him. I was a bit shocked myself when I saw the huge beads wet its face.

So, what is it that made it say such thing anyway? Was it feeling threatened? Or was it trying to impress someone by saying things like that, as if it held the control of the situation while the real bitter truth was, IT did NOT.

I hate the two face. Not because it hurt me. It didn’t. In fact, I was totally amused by the contradiction. It was so hilarious I laughed all the way home. But I was hurt because it hurt my loved ones.

It hurt my ego.
It hurt my love.
It hurt my friend.

The two face had a name. It’s called Obsessive Insecure.
At times it would be this hyper confident character. At another it would be competitive and insecure. It was never competing with others. It was competing with itself. Its inner insecurity.

It was simply…

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Monday, March 07, 2005

Me and My Hollow Tin Chest

I was standing there, waiting in line, all by myself.
The red carpet meant that we, the invitees were honored to be in the room.
To share the joy between two people.

But why did I not feel honored at all?
Why did I feel ashamed instead?
I was trying to rid all eyes that stared at me.
Yes, I did know some of them.
And yes, I was trying so hard not to raise questions.
I wasn’t lucky.


Last year, I attended a similar ceremony.
Of a very dear friend of mine.
And now, the same thing happened again.
Yet I was alone.

I guess that will be my label, pretty soon now.
Now that I have decided deep in my heart that perhaps shedding yet another tear for someone who loves himself more is not worth it.
It’s merely useless…

I just want to love myself now.
Because all others are futile.
All others are…

Sunday, March 06, 2005


(Jakarta Java Jazz Festival, 5th March 2005, 00.30-01.45pm)

“band dong bang bang, do dong band dong bang bang…”
“you’re still… a friend of mine…”

Half of the sea of people sang the first line, and half other the second.
It was the closing song. One hour fifteen minutes passed just like a minute.

Eleven people, men and women, from different cultures and different color came together united, making great music and entertain thousands of people.
Yes, like Incognito said, even divided and different, together we should join to create harmony, and inspire others…

“Colibri” was their opening song. Some great new songs were also introduced (three songs I don’t know the title to – sorry Bluey, hehehe…). They also played a classic called “Listen to the Music”. And the rest, they performed 10 of their most famous songs (“Talkin’ Loud”, “Morning Sun”, “Who Needs Love?”, “Pieces of a Dream”, “Where Do We Go from Here”, “Don’t You Worry ‘bout a Thing”, “Everyday”, “Always There”, and my personal favorite “Still a Friend of Mine”).

The comeback of Maysa Leak, the lady with the amazing golden voice ("we love you, Maysa!") really strengthens their performance last night. Imaani and Tony Momrelle, were simply great singers, and one backup singer, Gail Evans, also added to the harmony. Richard Bailey (on drum) and the keyboardist who represented Italy (sorry I didn’t catch your name, mate!) performed their best. Chris DeMargary on saxophone and flute, Dominic Glover, trumpet and flugel horn, and the birthday boy on saxophone; the three key people in making the music were indispensable. And even the bassist, who just joined the band in two weeks (amazing, huh!) maxed out his talents and to emphasize the real color of Incognito; funk, fusion acid. Bluey, or Jean-Paul Maunick, on guitar and backing vocals, acted also as leader of the pack and composer; well, not much to say about Bluey except “we love you, Bluey!” (yeah, and some guy in the fifth row really shouted that, really!)

Aahh… I just looove Incognito.
Perhaps because their love songs could always relate to my love stories. And to them, heartbreaks are never sad. They simply mean we should hold on to ourselves and be stronger still and when the time comes, we would bounce back on our feet.
But most importantly, perhaps, because they do not just sing lovey-dovey songs. They sing songs for humanity. For universal mankind. To inspire the youth that we CAN make a change if only we believe in ourselves and others.

Only Incognito could make my friend “A” dance and sing along to the music.
Their performance really made all the wait worth while…

Bravo Incognito! You’ve done a great job, yet again.
See you all again in the next concert, guys!!!