Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stupid Mugger

“Ret, I just got mugged…”
“My cellphone and watch were taken…”

“F**k!!!” I thought.
It just added up the string of bad lucks I had today.

I was so bummed.
Not only because the stupid mugger took his watch.
The watch I got him for his birthday.
But also because the love of my life was almost hurt.
And it was all because he so wanted to accompany me to the dermatologist.
Stupid skin problems.
Stupid mugger.
Stupid day.
Stupid me.

This was definitely not my day.

This morning, playing ONE damn good Client Service, I had to withstand this stupid client’s rage. I didn’t even know why he had to yell for wanting to buy our data. “Aarrrgghhh!!!” All I wanted to shout was “Chill, and shut up, you stupid @$$hole!” But it had to come out “Yes sir, I understand sir, I have checked again with my Manager sir, it’s simply not possible sir.”

My ATM card was lost in the ATM machine. “Good God”, I thought. What could possibly be worse than not having cash at hand and have your ATM card swallowed by the stupid machine?
(And it was only until lunch time…)

Now this.

Why did he have to be mugged on his way to meet me at the dermatologist?
Why did I insist on going as of today?
Why did I have to be such a spoiled brat and need him by my side (because the dermatologist is such a pervert, I don’t want to hear his pornographic jokes)?
Why did I have to have skin problems?
Why, why, why, why, why?
All the regrets didn’t turn back time.
All the regrets couldn’t make the pain go away.

But why was he not upset?
Why was he so calm?
“Well, what’s done is done, Ret. There’s not much in mourning about it.”

And so he asked about the interview I had this afternoon.
“Well…” I said.
The future employer didn’t give me what I wanted to get for my package. It’s not exactly that bad, I mean, anything better than this job, I will take it. Whatever it is to make me flee outta here (says J). After all, it’s gonna be a good career leap (says K). Well, so long as you’re there, you can write and it’s gonna be a step closer to your dreams (says A).
Everything points to that direction. Anyways, there’s still time to think about it…

Hey, come to think about it, the recent events kinda give a silver lining.

I didn’t exactly start today with a jolt. In fact, I was so dreading to face the day this morning. And since then, my day just snowballed from trouble to bigger trouble, and that in turn led to hasty decisions and yet again, cause bigger still trouble.

But you know, having a friend by your side, someone to comfort you, someone who would stand all your mood swings, listen to all your grumblings, and bear with each and every one of your ickiness, really helps. Big time.

And if, yet, you still make horrible decisions and get into more troubles, you’ll know they (your heroes) are there for you.

Today, A and K are my heroes. Thanks a lot, you guys. I really needed that.

And if that still doesn’t help, let’s just give those stupid muggers some right jabs, uppercuts, and killer hooks. (Yes, I'm learning all the words. And tomorrow, I will learn how to really do some serious damage with all those… Hahaha…)
Let’s knock the stupid muggers all down.

How ‘bout it?


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Kikie said...

Well, I'll be your hero anytime.. as you are to me :D


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