Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
One young student and a sport journalist.
One professor and a dying man.
Both re-united by the teachings of love.
So sad that they were parted by long distance, and work.
And hunger of the materialistic world.
Where no one cared about anyone else but themselves.
When those people heeds money.
And so sad that their last class ended with death.
The beauty of this book is how you can relate to this hungry sport journalist.
And the way Mitch Albom portrayed his teacher, his professor, and more, his best friend, is just lovely.
The way Mitch described his flow of emotions during the times when he had to play nurse to his fading best friend really touched our soul.
The character building is exceptionally strong, especially in Morrie’s part. Mitch showed how this usually lively fellow was forced to be sad because he fell ill.
But what I like most about this book is that it taught us, even in death, we can still contribute to someone else’s life. And to love each other is the only key to life your life to the fullest.
This is surely one amongst all the books that inspires me.
(also posted in www.cecolabookclub.blogdrive.com - on 3rd January 2005)
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