Monday, February 14, 2005

The Most Romantic Time of the Year – some pointers for the love birds

Girls (and guys), say hi to “Saint Valentine”.

Yes, Valentine’s Day is considered the most romantic time of the year.
Why did this Saint become the reason that people want to take a special time of the year to scream from the top of their lungs “I LOVE YOU”? I don’t even know.

But no offense to the Saint, I don’t really believe in Valentine’s Day. Well, not too much anyway. I know I want to celebrate this special occasion but I don’t want to get too much into all this hype, that even the slightest mishap could ruin our day (coz that happened a lot in the past that I'm starting to learn my mistakes – hahaha…).
My guilty pleasure is to splurge on my loved ones. My bad. Well, it’s good on the guy tho, since I’d be showering him with lots of sweets, gifts, and uhm – well kisses.

The tradition would be, me getting him some new shirts (that will fit him perfectly – thanks to my really really good sense of picking out mens’ shirts), hand it to him casually, buy him some expensive (liquor) chocolate, and help him finish it, and package will be sealed with my locked starry gaze into his eyes, just to close the deal and make him understand that I've loved him for so long (too long in fact).

And then, he would return my gift. Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps just swing by the silver section, or perhaps just browse through the shoes section. That’s of course after we’re full from the dining at one of the most expensive restaurant at the mall.

You see, those were the days when I didn’t know any better. When things were just on the surface. When we were still starting out. I'm not saying that as the relationship gets older, romance are bound to be forgotten.
NO. I LOVE ROMANCE. I crave it.

What I'm saying is that, the older your relationship gets, the more mature it should be. And by then, these things are just some of the most interesting things you need to do to spice things up a bit.

But mind you, there are lots of other ways to be romantic. To celebrate your love together. And none of it has to constitute getting your loved ones a red rose, or a mixed tape, or even a head-scratching-expensive candle light dinner. When you’re older, you need to get more creative so that the relationship does not get bland, and in the end make you bored being stuck with the same person for so long.

Some of the ways can be a simple scribble saying “I Love You” (which is NEVER said enough).
It can be the most sincere smile you ever pull out when you pick her up from work.
It can be by dressing up to impress him like you never do on any other day.
It can be anything.

Well, what my loved one chose to do, he drove to pick me up, fought all the horrible traffic jam, just to make sure I get home safely after I purchased my laptop (the one I'm typing on right now – I'm loving it so much now, by the way).

He’s not the type of person who would shower me with attention. Yet he did.
And that means A LOT.

The Valentine’s Day wasn’t really spent just by the two of us, staring deep into each other’s eyes, with our most favorite romantic songs played by the violinist, to accompany our romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant, after which we opened our presents. Instead, I went to Ratu Plaza to get myself a laptop, took the bus to Niaga Tower to make a withdrawal, paid the package, had coffee and a round of loud laughs with K’s office best friends.

But you know what, the fact that the only one person I want to be with on that very special day was there, and made an effort to meet me, in the middle of his ALWAYS busy schedule, meant the world to me. And I would not trade that day with any more “romantic valentine evenings” EVER.

Guys (and girls), love and fun does not have to be expensive. You can find them at all sorts of different places. Cheap places. Unusual places.
And when you do find it, you can say “screw the tradition” coz Valentine’s day ain’t about tradition. It’s about sharing your piece of love and attention with the most special person in your heart.

I personally did. Thanks A and K for the night.
It was the best Valentine’s day ever.



At 9:44 AM, Blogger Kikie said...

You know how I feel..


-how gay can we be? :)-


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