Tuesday, September 21, 2004


A dear friend of mine said “it’s scary how every single day the sun shines as usual, people do their routines, and traffic runs as usual, but in some part of the world, someone mourns…”
I thought to myself. Why doesn’t the world stop for them?

Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi roji’un…
Yesterday happened to be one of those days for her. K’s father passed away yesterday morning.
Bp. H. Nurdin Mashud died at the age of 54, leaving a wife and 4 daughters. No illness whatsoever, no premonition, just sudden fatal heart attack. May he rest in peace.
I guess God must have wanted to see him earlier that He summoned him so suddenly.

K said, she’s let him go, if that’s how God planned it. Only one regret lingered in her mind. That she didn’t tend to him the last minutes when he was healthy. I couldn’t hold my tears any longer, while I know I should be the one to offer her my shoulders, giving her comforting consolations. But why was I stiff as a board?

K, you’ve proved yourself to be a far better daughter any father could possibly ask for, and you exceed his expectations on yourself. There are no parents in this world who are not proud of their children. But I never saw any parents ever more so proud of their children the way your parents are. You’ve guided your sisters to their success; you’ve become more than just a big sister to them. This have made your father much more proud of you than his words could say.

As we convoyed to the cemetery, I couldn’t help but think. Who is this man? He’s no more than an ordinary man, but why does he have that huge impact on so many people? Cars were lining behind, all lighting their hazards.
The big house was packed with people coming and going, sending their deepest condolences. Bouquets were sent from so many people, to show that they cared. Neighbors united to organize a very efficient funeral team. Subordinates were weeping to the thoughts of losing a great leader (and perhaps someone who has been somewhat of a father to them). His children’s best friends cried to the thought of not hearing his jokes and his silliness.

Why? It suddenly occurred to me that he must have been a great person.

It makes me wonder.
Have I been a good person all this years? Have I lived my life to the fullest? Have I done enough? Given my share to the society? Have I treated people with respect? Loved the people who love me the most?
When I go, will people give me salutations the way all those people did to K’s father? Will I touch people’s lives?

Om Nurdin, if you ever got the chance to read this (if high above you have a high speed internet connection:p), your children love you and miss you very much. In fact, you’ve touched so many lives and you’re loved by more people than you know. And don’t worry, you WILL see your children do great things. They will look after their dearest mother (and your dear darling wife). K will make sure of that.

This drama has made me realize that we all should live our lives so that we won’t have any regrets.

Thanks Om. Farewell to you, and say hi to all the angels up there for me… :p


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