Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bomb at Australian Embassy – 9 September 2004

A bomb exploded just in front of Australian Embassy, today at 10.30. The resonance wave was massive that we felt it like a big thunder hit our office in Sudirman area, just next to World Trade Centre.

The explosion just rendered me some contemplation.

What has become of this poor country of us?

Why are we always the target of our own people? Haven’t we suffered enough? “All is fair in love and war”, so they said. But if it involves mass casualties, is it still fair? Is it still tolerable? Wouldn’t you agree that it’s just plain massacre? Or do we have to just hand our lives on silver platter to those heartless terrorists? Is it even our fault that we were born in this blood-thirst country?

Whatever happens to Indonesia, country full of hospitable people, honest and friendly, country so filled with moralities and norms? A beautiful, calm, and peace loving country? Or does it only happen in the brochures?

Whoever sets off the bomb, and whoever was behind it (coz the person setting it off is probably just another pawn in this big political scheme) definitely deserves death sentence. Not only did they not get what they want, they also have killed hundreds and thousands of innocent people.

Didn’t our first president and the people before us fight hard enough? And this is how they repay them? By spilling yet another innocent blood, to achieve whatever greed may overtake them?

Why us?

God, please have mercy on your people…


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