Monday, August 16, 2004

Technology at its best

What is it about Technology? All my life, I’ve always been a laggard. I got my first cellphone long after everyone else did. VCD Players, and now DVD Players, they’re familiar in each and everyone else’s households but mine, at least not until later (way later…).

Can you blame me for cursing the “seemingly” comfortable life I lead now?

Personally, I prefer to live in the Dark Age, where people don’t know any Cellular Phones, let alone compare between GSM and CDMA. It makes my life easier (in a way). For one, I could just play innocent for arriving home late without one single word, just tell my parents “Whoops, sorry Mom, Dad, no Public Phone available”, and hope I can get off the hook. But the fact that I DO have a cellphone (working one that is), makes my life so difficult. Now I’m addicted to making phone calls, send sms back and forth for some meaningless conversations – all to my own initiatives (I might as well call them and get it over with), taking lousy resolution pictures from my camera phone and blame the person I took pictures of, saying they’re just too ugly to be in my camera phone (hahaha…), lie to my parents every time I go home late, saying that I had put my cellphone on silent mode or that I rejected their phone calls because I’m still stuck in traffic light. And second, in the end, I curse myself for overusing my cellphone and having to pay that horrendous phone bills.

More, I loved my life before Credit Card came along. Sure, no one made me apply in the first place. It was my stupid inner self, saying that I NEED Credit Card, which in the end I proved was wrong. Before the Age of Visa, I managed fine. But now, everything seems a lot easier to BUY and a lot more difficult to PAY. Yes, those conniving little Credit Card salesmen would just lurk around you, waiting for you to take out your own plastic money, and start offering heaven to you. “Umm, Miss, our Credit Card offers lower interest, balance transfer, reward points, welcoming gifts, executive lounge, free annual fee, blah blah blah” And suddenly you’re just bending forward, starting to sign your application, and hope with God’s mercy, you won’t be using them at all (hah, like that’s ever going to happen)…

What with the Internet? I’m addicted to browsing them in broad daylight now. The first thing I do when I got to my office desk is turn on my computer, and voila, the web works at its most amazing speed to feed me information at my fingertips. Little do I realize that the more I browse, the less I have time for myself to contemplate on what I want to do with the rest of my day (hahaha, I never do…).

My life was a lot easier before all these technology came along. I was doing great not knowing anything in other parts of the world (that I can find out in an instant from the web), I could save up my money and buy the things that I really really need, (and not just because I was out with friends and try to look macho and pay for their dinner bills), and I most of all, I can enjoy my quiet time without cellphone ring disrupting me (especially when it’s after office hours and the number appeared on your cell is your client’s number).

But the fact that Technology dawns to our life with this rapid rate is inevitable. All you can do is give in. And perhaps be wiser enough not to let it consume you too much…

Easy for me to say, I just decided to surrender to the magic of Technology (that only makes your life easier by taking so much from you…)



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