Monday, June 06, 2005

'Tis - Frank McCourt

The problem with reading a good book is that you will not be able to put it down. Sometimes you just speed through the whole pages, and even with the fingers all red from the paper cut, eyes almost pop out from moving too fast left and right, and head throbbing like mad in the morning from lack of sleep trying to finish the book the soonest as possible while all your other books are still lying helplessly in the shelf, still in its cover, waiting to be read.

And after that you begin to realize that good books are something you should savor to its last page, and not just flip flip flip without really getting a grasp of its real meaning, and then you suddenly stop, and go backwards, hoping you’d remember each and every characters in it. Trying so hard not to lose its plot.

‘Tis is definitely a good example of it.

Lord above knows just how many days I spent on that book, not because of I want to savor every little details in it, but simply because – forgive me, Mr. McCourt, I only got to read that book once the clock hits twelve at night, and I can only last 10 minutes of that book, for fear I will not be able to wake up the next morning to go to work.

But I spent the last 2 days finishing what I left off (about half of the whole book), and I wept my self to bed in the ending.

Damn it, Frank McCourt can write.
And damn it, he deserves the Pulitzer Prize. For all I know, he can bring home that bloody Nobel prize for Literature from Sweden, for he deserves it.

I know this is not much of a review.
But I tell you, I don’t need to give a review on ‘Tis and Angela’s Ashes. The books are simply must-reads.

Mr.McCourt, once again, hats off to you.
Wish I could meet you and tell you in person, just how much your writings have influenced me.
(Och, my bladder is near my eyes…)


At 1:52 AM, Blogger Jesster said...

Did you know that his brother Malachy is a writer too?


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