Wednesday, May 25, 2005

25th Hour

What if you were sentenced to 7 years in prison?
Or worse yet, lifetime?

What if you didn’t get caught?
What if you betray your partners so you could get away.
What if you had never tried at all.
A thousand what ifs will not be answered in 24 hour time.

Monty (Edward Norton) was sent to prison for intent possession of 1kg of heroin. It was his last night before he has to go.
What will he do?

This movie is far from entertaining.
It’s not even remotely funny.
And it’s definitely not romantic.

Yet in the gloomy shade, I really felt I could relate to it.


A single decision we make leads to hundreds of options.
And thousands, even millions of consequences.
A millisecond doubt could cost someone’s life.
But a second too early can create a chaos.

Life renders us with vast of options.
Options we know will only lead to all sorts of different consequences.
And unless we’re fortune tellers, we cannot predict the outcome of our decisions, we cannot predict the future.
And therefore, we take a dare.
We bet our own lives.
Or worse yet, others’.

What do you do when you make an error of judgment?
Some acts as noble knights and take the fall.
Some choose to deal with it by the company of “Jack Daniels”.
Some flee.

Some even choose to play GOD, and end their own misery.
Their own horrible consequences.
Simply because they think they cannot handle the truth.

My life is not a fairy tale.
It’s not some life that would make it to “Oprah”.
It’s full of waiting arounds, uncertainty, disappointments, loneliness, and failures.
It’s full of self-fulfilling prophecies.

Now, at a millisecond (in desperate times), I might have thought to play GOD.
But after seeing 25th Hour, somehow I came around.
Somehow, I realized that life is not so bad.
When you take care of it, it may just turn into your ally.

Who knows, you might turn into someone you never thought you could be.
Someone you only could dream of becoming.
Someone so happy…

Then, you might say to yourself:

"This life came so close to never happening…"


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