Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Been praying a lot lately.
What with Mom away.
What with all I wanted to have in life.

Will God understand my prayers?
Will God give them or will HE think I only come to HIM during tough times?

Yeah, can’t complain.

My stomach’s full.
It’s bloated with sins.

How do I dare beg when I ain’t a good human being?
When I ain’t a good person?

I feel empty.

I feel deserted.

Everything important to me was cast away.
Swept by the massive power of something I don’t even recognize.

I imagine being stuck in an elevator. All alone. By my lonely self.

It feels good, really.
It feels different to be alone.
Like I’ve never felt before, being in the crowd all the time.

Maybe I just want to be alone.


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